Why a balm for mommy?
Posted on September 19 2019

Not every woman is granted with the easiness to fall pregnant naturally. Sometimes even for unknown reasons, the woman still can't fall pregnant even if she is fit and supposed to be able to do so. Then begins the rollercoaster of emotions of going through inseminations and eventually IVF when the former don't work out. For me, it took 4 years ... 4 years of medical follow-ups, injections, pills, miscarriage and tears to finally have my baby boy in my arms - something that I had waited for so long and almost gave up on any hope of having any kids one day. That was one of the happiest moments in my life!
Anyway, so what is the relationship with the balm for mommies that I had developed ... Le Baume de Maman?
Well when I passed the 12 weeks' cap of being pregnant, I was still constantly anxious of having another miscarriage although the probability was reduced. I wanted to keep my skin supple and nourished so as to avoid any stretch marks and itchiness due to dry skin, renowned to appear during pregnancy.
Therefore I wanted to apply a product 100% safe on my tummy as the products would also penetrate into the skin. I can't say how much if the ingredients would actually reach the foetus... maybe none at all, but I didn't want to risk anything... absolutely anything caused to the baby at that stage and after having come so far to fall pregnant.
I knew that I wanted the high-quality plant oils, that would nourish my skin deeply without leaving any stickiness or greasiness, especially on the clothes. To ensure that the formulation was moreover allergens-free, I preferred to stay clear of any perfume or essential oils for that matter. After the first validation of the formulation by the 1st toxicologist in the UK, I sent it to the Allergy Certified company in Denmark to be further analysed to have the allergy-free certification. Therefore Le Baume de Maman is fragrance-free and certified non-allergic - Yay! All safe to be gently massaged on my tummy, breasts and thighs. FYI, 100% of the ingredients used are natural and plant-based and 67% of those natural ingredients are certified organic.
I found it also a special moment after my shower to lie in bed and massage my tummy with Le Baume de Maman as it was a way for me to connect with my growing baby and talk to him. It was my "Me Time" with my baby inside the womb.
Le Baume de Maman has been my great product companion during my whole pregnancy and even for a long time after delivery, especially to help heal my C-section scar (unfortunately had to go through this unplanned surgery) and on my breasts and nipples after breastfeeding.
Today as I'm writing this blog post, Le Baume de Maman is again my product companion every single day after my shower as again, I don't want to get any stretch marks on my tummy for the second pregnancy ... which came as a total surprised gift from God. Thank you Almighty!
Me and my precious toddler at 20 months old.
Thanks for reading and I wish you a happy day!